ESDU 75034:1975
Initial Buckling Stress, Maximum Direct Stress and Shear Strain of Square Plates in Shear with Central Circular Holes
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
ESDU | 1975-11 | 6 |
ESDU 75034 gives graphs as a function of hole diameter/plate length ratio for 1. the elastic buckling stress as a function of that for a plate without a hole (for which ESDU 71005 provides an answer) obtained from a finite element program from which solutions agree with experiment to within 10 per cent; 2. the maximum stress at the unreinforced hole boundary; and 3. the overall shear strain in the plate as a function of that for a plate without a hole. Although the data apply strictly to a square plate they can also be used for a rectangular plate up to aspect ratio of 1.2. The hole diameter should not exceed 70 per cent of the plate width.