Infection Prevention and Control in Nonacute Care Settings
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
Joint Commission | 2022 | 306 |
As many nonacute care organizations are all too aware, resources dedicated solely to their settings are limited. Individuals designated with infection prevention and control in nonacute care settings have had to pick their way through articles and online resources to find content appropriate for their settings or they have had to extrapolate appropriate information from resources mainly dedicated to IPC in hospitals. That’s where Infection Prevention and Control in Nonacute Care Settings comes in. This book is geared specifically to address IPC challenges in ambulatory care, assisted living, behavioral health care and human services, home care, office-based surgery, and nursing care centers. It outlines Joint Commission infection prevention and control requirements for nonacute care settings and focuses on where these organizations struggle, providing timely, accessible solutions. It’s your source of answers for all things infection prevention and control outside the hospital setting. This book goes through The Joint Commission’s IPC requirements, explaining and illustrating key concepts such as developing a robust IPC program; identifying and assessing IPC risks in your nonacute care setting; mitigating those risks; cleaning, disinfecting, and sterilizing medical equipment and other tools; and handling infectious disease emergencies. It includes strategies and tools applicable to nonacute care settings. The book concludes with a handy full-text crosswalk of all Joint Commission infection prevention and control requirements across health care settings, showing which apply to the various nonacute care settings compared to hospitals.
PDF Catalog
PDF Pages | PDF Title |
1 | Infection Prevention and Control in Nonacute Care Settings |
5 | Introduction |
11 | Chapter 1 Developing an Infection Prevention and Control Program First Things First: Understanding Joint Commission Standards |
17 | Aligning Standards; Evidence-Based Guidelines; and Federal, State, and Local Regulations |
28 | Developing a Written Infection Prevention and Control Plan |
36 | Tool 1-1. Infection Prevention and Control Plan Checklist |
41 | Tool 1-2. Infection Prevention and Control Plan for Ambulatory Health Care and Office-Based Surgery |
48 | Tool 1-3. Infection Prevention and Control Plan for Behavioral Health Care and Human Services |
55 | Tool 1-4. Infection Prevention and Control Plan for Home Care |
63 | Tool 1-5. Infection Prevention and Control Plan for Nursing Care Centers and Assisted Living Communi |
71 | Chapter 2 Identifying and Assessing Risks |
81 | Choosing a Risk Assessment Tool |
97 | Tool 2-1. Sample Infection Prevention and Control Risk Assessment |
99 | Tool 2-2. Infection Prevention and Control Risk Assessment Checklist |
101 | Tool 2-3. Problematic Systems or Processes Checklist |
104 | Tool 2-4. Assessment for Prevention of Common HAIs |
109 | Tool 2-5. Infection Prevention and Control Risk Assessment for Multidrug-Resistant Organisms (MDROs) |
115 | Tool 2-6. Mock Tracer for Joint Commission Standards on Infection Prevention and Control Programs |
121 | Chapter 3 Mitigating Risks |
122 | Addressing Risk of Exposure to Pathogens |
123 | Creating a Successful Surveillance Program |
124 | Implementing Effective Clinical Strategies/Standard Precautions |
130 | Hand Hygiene |
142 | Managing Care Transitions and Information Transfer |
147 | Tool 3-1. Hand Hygiene Practices |
152 | Tool 3-2. Influenza Prevention Assessment |
155 | Tool 3-3. Respiratory Hygiene Assessment |
157 | Tool 3-4. Patient/Resident/Individual Served, Family, and Visitor Education |
159 | Tool 3-5. Personal Protective Equipment Assessment |
165 | Tool 3-6. Sharps Injury Prevention |
169 | Tool 3-7. Safe Injection Assessment |
173 | Chapter 4 Cleaning, Disinfecting, and Sterilizing for Infection Prevention and Control |
187 | Location and Design of High-Level Disinfection and Sterilization Areas |
188 | Disposal of Medical Equipment, Devices, and Supplies |
189 | Additional Challenges to Consider in Nonacute Care Settings |
194 | Tool 4-1. Management of Used Patient Care Equipment and Instruments |
196 | Tool 4-2. Low-Level Disinfection of Noncritical Items |
199 | Tool 4-3. High-Level Disinfection Reprocessing (Excluding Endoscopes) |
207 | Tool 4-4. Endoscope Reprocessing |
215 | Chapter 5 Preparing for Infectious Disease Emergencies |
218 | Isolation Practices |
225 | Communication |
229 | Allocating Resources |
233 | Tool 5-1. Infectious Disease Exposure Tracking Log for Documentation of Reporting |
234 | Tool 5-2. Visitor Policies During an Infectious Disease Outbreak |
235 | Tool 5-3. Emerging Infectious Diseases |
237 | Tool 5-4. Availability of Infection Prevention and Control Equipment/Supplies |
239 | Tool 5-5. Communications Assessment |
241 | Appendix Matrix of Joint Commission Infection Prevention and Control Standards |
273 | Index |